Donate to Parkview Bands

Support a Fantastic Local Cause!

The Bands of Parkview High School is a wonderful program for high school students to be involved with—just ask any band student or their parent! Band is a very positive activity, with a terrific sense of belonging and community. The students learn about music and performing, but it’s so much more…

Studies show students who are involved in music do better academically in high school, and beyond.

Your support helps make this possible.

The Bands at Parkview are supported by The Parkview Band Boosters Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization—your donations are tax deductible.*

Please consider either a recurring or one-time donation to support this outstanding program and our community.

Donations are secure, handled by PayPal, one of the largest, best-known payment processors. *While everyone’s tax situation is different, donations to verified 501(c)(3) organizations like The Parkview Band Boosters Association are typically tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor if you have questions.