Fundraising: Scrip Gift Cards
The everyday purchases you, your family and your friends make can put money in your band account.

Your everyday purchases can add funds to your student’s account and the Band.
With the Scrip fundraising program, you pay for everyday purchases, things you’re already buying, like food, clothing, gas and other essentials, with gift cards.
We have reintroduced the Scrips Gift Card Program which allows families to earn money for band fees and/or band trip by SHOPPING. By purchasing gift cards to pay for items you use everyday, you earn money through percentage rebates – 1 to 16% of gift card value. 70% of the rebate will get credited into your child’s band account; 30% goes to the general band fund.
The program is updated with the majority of retailers offering electronic gift cards for immediate use (ScripNow!) so you no longer have to wait to for physical cards to be delivered. You order when you need it. For example: Need to by pine straw at Home Depot? Purchase your Home Depot eGift card before you leave, or while you are in the checkout line, with your smartphone. The added benefit of the electronic cards is NO SHIPPING FEE for delivery of physical cards. There is only a minimal transaction fee of 15 cents when you place your order online or smartphone, and pay through your PrestoPay account – whether your order one eGift card or twenty; from one retailer or 5 different retailers.
Participating Retailers/Available Gift Cards
The list of participating retailers and their percent discounts (i.e., your profit) can be found at, look under “Shop” near the top of the web page. This list is updated on a regular basis as new retailers join or percentages change. Use this list to choose which gift cards you wish to order. You’ll notice most offer both eGift cards and
physical gift cards, however, there are some retailers that only offer physical gift cards. Due to the cost of shipping, we will only be placing an order for physical cards a couple of times a year – around the winter holiday and graduation.
Start Here
1. Create an account at and select Join a Program
Use the Parkview Band enrollment code: E1F973E321777
- Complete the registration process – Please include the name of your student when prompted, so we know the account to credit.
2. Enroll in Online Payments (PrestoPay) to conveniently pay for orders (electronic and physical cards) by linking your bank account to your ShopWithScrip account. For a small $0.15 convenience fee per order, you’ll receive eGift cards immediately, and you’ll have access to MyScripWallet (for smartphone use). Plus, you won’t have to drop off any checks.
**************** We will not be accepting any cash or checks for the Scrips Program***************
To enroll in PrestoPay™, log into your ShopWithScrip account and follow these steps:
- Click on the Payment Types link under “Family Functions” on your Dashboard
- Choose whether you want to instantly link your bank account, or manually enter your banking information and follow the steps for each.
- Manually entering your information will take 1-2 business days to process.
- Please note, you can’t link a credit card as the fees would take away from your rebate earnings.
3. Shop and earn money for your student and the band! Recruit your family members and friends to join to start earning money. Look for announcements for bonus days, when retailers offer bonus rebates (some up to 20%).
Think of Scrips when you think about holiday shopping, or planning vacations:
Rebates will be credited to your student’s account around the end of each month. You can track your orders and earnings through your ShopWithScrip account.
It really is that easy. Thank you for supporting the Parkview Band!
Parkview High School Band Fundraising
Helen Triemer