To make band happen, parent volunteers are needed.

If you’re a Band parent, sign up … it’s fun!

It’s true that band is a wonderful experience for the students. It’s also true that there’s a lot of work required to support it! That’s why we need you as a volunteer. And, yes, you really will have fun when you volunteer and get to know other parents and band students!

Parents, guardians and grandparents directly benefit their student in band when volunteering, and set an extremely positive example.

Below are the many different ways you can help.

36e72a54 26b5 4ba0 8d48 Ce4ca89cdb85Band Camp Assistants

These volunteers coordinate refreshments (water, Gatorade) at Band Camp during late July and August and through the early Fall after-school practices. They are also responsible for coordinating the lunch orders for Band Camp, as well as the Hospitality Room for the instructors and band directors.


Chaperones are required whenever the band and auxiliary assemble. Their job is to make sure everyone is accounted for before traveling to or from any activity, watching over instruments during student breaks, and being available for emergencies. One of the marching band activities is traveling to “away” football games. In addition to the chaperones on the bus with the students, a “chase car” follows the buses. These chaperones are available to transport students who may become ill back to the school from the activity. (See the Handbook appendix for specifics.)

Concession Stand

The Band Association hosts one main visitors-side concession stand at home football games. Some volunteers arrive early for preparation and set up, while others stay late for clean up. Each event requires 25-30 workers for tasks ranging from cashiering and taking orders, to cooking hamburgers, chicken and hot dogs, to wrapping sandwiches, making nachos, and bagging popcorn. Sign up sheets are made available at the first band association meeting of the year. You may either sign up for a specific weekend or plan to work every home game. All monies raised go directly to the general fund.


PHS Band may offer options for students to earn money for their band account. These volunteers coordinate these efforts. Please see the Handbook section on financial policy for further information.) All band students and parents are encouraged to actively participate in fundraising activities to support the Parkview Band program and to minimize the financial burden for each participant.

Processed Bf08ae96 9682 4412 Bac7 73fb53315861Photo Memory Book

These volunteers design and organize a keepsake book for all members of the Parkview Band. The book should be completed by the Spring Banquet. This is an ongoing project, collecting pictures from students and families who supply their candid shots taken throughout the year. These volunteers serve as a link to the county and state new services as appropriate.

Pit Crew

These volunteers help members of the band, pit and drum line get equipment and heavier instruments to the field for the halftime shows at football games and competitions. For away games and competitions, they help load the truck and drive it to and from the game or competition, and unload it following the event. (See the Handbook appendix for specifics.)


The Social/Banquet committee members coordinates the rookie dinner, the ‘Dessert Preview’ meeting, the spring banquet and other events throughout the year. The rookie dinner is held during the week of Rookie Band Camp, and helps new families learn about the band program, meet the band directors, learn about the band association and its activities, and sign up for volunteer opportunities. The dessert preview meeting is held in the early fall prior to the football/marching season, and includes a performance by the marching band of their new program. In May, a spring banquet is held to recognize band students, award letters and pins, and to say goodbye to graduating seniors. Encourage your students to attend to give them an opportunity to interact on a social level with their peers.


These volunteers perform the measuring and initial uniform fitting during band camp. They support the quartermasters with uniform check-out and check-in during football season and make small repairs as needed. The uniform chairperson coordinates fitting and ordering of girls’ concert wear at the beginning of the school year.

Original 55cd2d26 Daa3 44ef Ad1b 41221d4955d9Watering

These volunteers coordinate and provide water for students during all outdoor marching practices.


These volunteers arrive at home games before the band and rope off the seating area for the PHS band as well as the visiting team band. They also greet the visiting bands at home football games and serve refreshments for them and the Parkview Band during the 3rd quarter break.

Sign-up to volunteer!

Please visit and Join The Parkview Band Boosters BAND App page for important updates on volunteering opportunities!