Trickum Middle School Band
8th Grade/Rising 9th Grade Parkview High School Band Students

Band is fun, and a great way to make friends and lasting relationships!
Welcome Trickum 8th Grade students! We are excited to have you join our band family next year. This information will help you as you transition into high school band.
This site is updated with all information handed out during band class. Feel free to download and print any of the flyers and applications. All documents will be sent home with students as well.
Student Course Planner:
We recommend all students to use this course planner to be able to participate in band for 4 years and earn a Fine Arts Diploma Seal!
2025-2026 Parkview Marching Band
Don’t miss out … sign up today for Parkview Marching Band! Online Registration is currently open – RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW!
Parkview Band FAQ
Which Band class do I take?
All 9th grade students (including percussion) will sign up for “INT BAND” on their 9th grade registration form. There will be an audition to place students into the proper band. Students who earn a performance spot in the District Honor Band, or All-State Honor Band(s) will be placed in the Advanced Band Class (Wind Symphony). Percussion students will be moved into our percussion class before fall semester starts.
Is Marching Band a class?
Yes and no. Marching band is “co-curricular” activity, which means that out of class rehearsals as stipulated in the syllabus will factor into the student’s grade. We also work on marching music in concert class as a fulfillment of the co-curricular status. Marching band will not appear on your class roster as it is an extension of “concert band.”
Do I have to participate in Marching Band?
All students are expected to participate in marching band at least one year in their High School Career. With that said, most students do marching band and marching band is an incredible experience for both parents and students. We cannot stress enough the benefits of Marching Band! The experience is well worth the time and money commitments—and it’s a lot of fun!
Is Marching Band a sport? Is it athletic?
It is very athletic! At Parkview High School The Marching Band, The Winter Guard, and the Indoor Percussion are all known as: The Sport of The Arts! We push our students to be physically and mentally active during the season. Students must pass a school physical in order to participate. Summer conditioning will be pushed so that new students are physically ready for summer camps.
What are the costs associated with being in the Parkview Band?
Click here to be taken to the Financial FAQ page.
Why is Marching Band expensive?
Gwinnett County, the State of Georgia, and Parkview High School do not fund marching band and because of this, 60% of funding for marching band must be raised by the Parkview Band Booster Association. Student yearly band payments constitute 60% of our annual budget. Everything we do in Marching Band costs money and that money must come from somewhere. Paying your yearly band payments is the only reason we are able to have a large and successful band program. Click HERE to read the financial FAQ
Do you have financial assistance available for Marching Band?
There is a scholarship available for students. We do not have direct financial assistance available, and we offer a variety of payment plans. In addition, we offer several fundraisers throughout the year where money is used to help offset the cost of marching band for members who participate.
When does the Marching Band Practice?
See the marching band information page.
When are Band Camps?
Band camps for some individuals start the middle of July. See Marching Band Information for information and dates for Band Camp.
Do you have to attend summer band camps to be in the Parkview Marching Band?
Yes. Plan accordingly now.
When does the Marching Band Perform?
We perform at all Parkview High School football games at halftime and in the stands throughout the game. Typically, we also travel to two or three competitions and The Gwinnet County Marching Band Exhibition each year. The Parkview Marching Band is also invited to national and international events like The London New Year’s Day Parade or the Rome New Year’s Day Parade, etc.
What about Drumline and Color Guard?
These are valuable components of the marching band, and they require a bit more time and preparation. Auditions for Drum Line and Color Guard are in April and May. Color Guard members do not have to be enrolled in a band class.
What does the PHS Band do during Spring Semester?
Each concert class (and percussion) prepares for the state Large Group Performance Evaluation in March and a spring concert in May. We have a jazz band that rehearses one or two times a week during the spring semester. We also offer multiple opportunities for students to perform in chamber ensembles such as our spring Solo and Ensemble concert. Additionally, students can choose to try out for district and state bands, UGA Honor Bands, or play in other extracurricular ensembles such as the Metropolitan Atlanta Youth Wind Ensemble (MAYWE), Atlanta Youth Wind Symphony (AYWS), etc.
How do I sign up?
You should sign up for “concert band/INT BAND” when 9th grade registration starts. Marching band signups and information will be made available in January. Please check the Marching Band Information page for more details.
What are common myths regarding 9th grade band registration?
- Myth 1: Foreign language must be taken as a 9th grader.
- Myth 2: You must take AP Human Geography if you are a top student.
- Myth 3: HS will be really hard, and you won’t have time for Band.
- Myth 4: You have to take Health/PE during the school year as a freshman
- Myth 5: You have to quit band if you want to be in 3DE.
- Truth 1: 2 years of foreign language is required for most colleges (many students start their junior year). 3 years is preferred for admission into more competitive universities. Students can take foreign language classes online during the school year or during the summer.
- Truth 2: AP Human Geo is a good class only for students who are serious about their AP studies in high school. While it is not required nor does it affect the core social studies classes still required 10th-12th grade, it is still a valuable class to take your freshman year if you are serious about your academic studies. 92% of our freshmen take this class each year and it does not conflict with their band schedule.
- Truth 3: High school is hard. Band (marching band) is what makes high school tolerable. The monotony of academics is tough and the family and social aspect of band allows for much improved mental/social health.
- Truth 4: Summer Health/PE is offered at PHS and online. The cost is estimated around $500 but it frees up many slots in your schedule. We can also make exceptions for students to not take health/pe the 9th grade year if there is a conflict. If this is the case, you will take it before graduation.
- Truth 5: 3DE program classes take place during Language Arts Classes. Many successful student leaders in the band program are also in the 3DE program!
Can I do band and not do marching band? Yes, we do have a few students per class who do not do marching band. We do have a much higher rate of attrition for students who do not do marching band.